Capitol Hill Day

A record number of YWCA advocates will meet with their Senators and Representatives on Capitol Hill Day 2023. Together, we will urge Congress to increase federal funding for childcare, housing, and gender-based violence programs and services provided across the YWCA network. We will also urge our elected officials to address racism as a public health crisis. 

Capitol Hill Day Agenda

    • 11 am – 5 pm: Check-In for Capitol Hill Day

    • 7:00 am: Late Check-In & Working Breakfast

    • 8:00 am: Breakfast Briefing

    Speakers :

    Lori McClung, CEO, Advocacy & Communication Solutions

    Catherine Beane, Vice President of Public Policy & Advocacy, YWCA USA

    • 8:45 am: Bus Transportation to Capitol Hill

    All CHD participants will travel by bus to Capitol Hill. Buses will leave as they fill, beginning at 9:00 am.

    The last bus will depart *no later than 9:15 am*.

    If you miss the bus, you will need to travel to Capitol Hill “on your own” via cab, Uber, Lyft, or Metro (public transportation).

    • 9:30 am - 10:00 am: Group photo at the Capitol Reflecting Pool

    • 10:00 am - 5:00 pm: Capitol Hill Day Meetings

    • The remainder of CHD is “on your own.”

    Advocates will walk to their meetings, have lunch, and return to the hotel with their local and state groups. All meetings will end by 5:00 pm (and many will end earlier).

Welcome To Washington D.C.

National Conference isn’t about YWCA USA, it’s about our broad network of local YWCA associations that implement the work at the local level for women, families, and people of color every day. It’s a time for our Local Associations to share, as a community of learning, and to walk away inspired by each other and the work of the YWCA family. It is a time for the YWCA movement, united as One YWCA, to share and celebrate our history, our mission and impact, planning for the work ahead, and continuing to write our YWCA story.