Phyl Flanagan, MSW

Justice Equity & Belonging Program Manager

Phyl's passion and work include collective liberation and restorative practices. Phyl's work focuses on rooting out cultural and systemic oppression through authentic connection, story-telling, education, skill-building, systemic change and personal healing. Their professional and academic background and interests also include human development, social justice advocacy, embodied activism, design, organizational development and wellness/fitness. Phyl as studied at The Ohio State University, The international Institute of Restorative Practices (IIRP), Boston University and The Embody Lab.

Welcome To Washington D.C.

National Conference isn’t about YWCA USA, it’s about our broad network of local YWCA associations that implement the work at the local level for women, families, and people of color every day. It’s a time for our Local Associations to share, as a community of learning, and to walk away inspired by each other and the work of the YWCA family. It is a time for the YWCA movement, united as One YWCA, to share and celebrate our history, our mission and impact, planning for the work ahead, and continuing to write our YWCA story.